
What's in Elk Velvet Antler?

  • 2 min read
Elk velvet antler (EVA) has a long history of use in traditional medicine, with it’s roots tracing back to the Han Dynasty in China (206 BC to 220 AD). This substance, also known as deer velvet, is the soft, hair-like covering that surrounds the growing bone and cartilage of elk antlers. When the antlers are in this growth phase, they are rich in nutrients and still soft, lacking the hardened mineralized characteristics of mature antlers. For medicinal use these, velvet-covered antlers are sustainably harvested, dried and ground into a fine powder

What’s in Elk Velvet Antler?

Elk velvet antler is a nutrient-dense substance that forms the structure of an elk's antlers, packed with bioactive compounds that contribute to many potential health benefits. The key bioactive compounds found in elk velvet antler include:
  • Glucosamine: Supports joint health and may reduce symptoms of arthritis.
  • Collagen: Vital for skin elasticity, joint health, and overall connective tissue function.
  • Amino and Fatty Acids: Essential for numerous bodily functions, including muscle repair and brain health.
  • Minerals: Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are crucial for bone health and metabolic functions.

How can Elk Velvet Antler help?

  • Joint Health and Pain Relief: Elk velvet antler has been traditionally used to alleviate muscle aches and joint pain. Its rich glucosamine content helps support joint health, potentially offering relief for animals and humans suffering from conditions like osteoarthritis.
  • Immune System Support: Bioactive compounds in elk velvet antler, including amino acids and collagen, may enhance immune function and reduce inflammation.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: By potentially decreasing inflammation, elk velvet antler can help improve overall bodily comfort and function.
  • Rejuvenating Properties: In traditional Chinese medicine, elk velvet antler is valued for its purported healing and rejuvenating effects. It is believed to promote overall vitality and well-being.

Composition and Purity

QEVA products are made from 100% pure elk velvet antler, with no added fillers, preservatives, colors, or flavors. The elk used are raised without hormones or animal by-products, and antlers are harvested sustainably at peak biological activity.  

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